Things to know about Indians

5 min readSep 7, 2023


One day you might meet an Indian if not done already. As a researcher who has worked in three continents in commercial space, I have seen people trusting an Indian more than any other ethnicity. That intrigued me as I watch most top executives in Africa (not just America and Europe) running big corporations are of Indian descent.

Its not about IT prowess that Indian companies are known for but its about relationships and trust the managements have globally on Indians. Yes there are some failed cases like any other society but why have Indians succeeded despite being a laggard in economic growth till recently.

Naini Lake, Nainital, India

1. 99% Indians: Most Indians believe in coexistence, are shy by nature, though same people might be the most talkative lot among their own group. There in lies the problem, outside India (after travelling to 8 countries), I have found few Indians reaching out to other non Indians unless there is an emergency or survival instincts kick in.

There in lies the problem, outside India (after travelling to 8 countries), I have found few Indians reaching out to other non Indians unless there is an emergency or survival instincts kick in.

2. Here is the strange bit: Indians don’t usually talk to other Indians either, the reason could be that they dont share the same language, culture or in some case geographical boundaries seperate them.

Usually when two Indians meet, a common questions is: Where are you from (within India)? And that tends to decide the rest of the conversation, so if you meet one next time, do check which part of India they are from and that can be a great ice breaker.

Tip: Break the ice first, most likely you will find a genuine soul.

Village kids happy to get clicked, Kanpur, India.

3. Smiles: If you have met an Indian in past, most likely they have smiled back at you. Unless someone is an introvert or wants to avoid you, I have hardly found anyone not exchanging smiles in India, I have travelled in 85% of the states in India and have never been greeted with a smug face.

Tip: Smile is a greeting in Indian culture, Never assume anything beyond it unless sure.

4. Helping hand: most Indians would like to help you though some bit can be lost in translation.

Best bet is to tell what exactly you want. This is especially true when asking for food advice, there are completely different standards of how much spicy can an Indian take versus rest of the world. If you can take lot of hot pepper in your mexican food, my advice still remains the same, check again when dealing with Indian spice quotient.

Tip: most people will not play around with what they promise in food as its taken as offensive to not give the diner what they wish.

5. Hand gestures: Indians are a bit similar to Italians in hand gestures, which might look like arguing between the two. Oh! there is even a book called Argumentative Indian if you wanna read. Too many hand gestures though could be a sign of fake so use your own discretion there.

Tip: match the eyes with the gestures…

6. Accepting of everyone: Indians are humble people, we accept all faiths and countries (except two, you know who, ask any Indian!) without bias or preconcieved notions. There is a reason why Israelis, Russians, and other nationalities just melt into the vast masses of humanity.

Its good to get lost in the crowd sometimes, only to discover yourselves again.. isn’t it?

7. Indians love India by accepting the negatives. India is not just Taj Mahal, India is its people, 1.4 billion of us.

Bit of History: India has been under occupation for almost 700 years. That I am talking about it today means we never accepted it. Most of the Muslim and British rule was to milk the assets and this is strongly etched in collective Indian memory. That era is coming to an end with financial reforms of last three decades.

Survivor warning: Don’t test patience of a gentleman. Indians look docile to most. Could be the physical structure or general demeanor but once the patience is wearing thin, you might be surprised.

Tip: Stay away from the Indians who talk down about India, there is a clear difference between criticism of a developing country and those who are trying to impress you in the name of humanity. Same people will never stand by you too.

8. Doing business with Indians: No advice here, you are best judge of your money, please be careful when dealing with anyone.

But yes, most Indians are risk averse beyond their immediate job, there is still clamour for getting employed by the government as a laid back options. Those who are hungry will seek you out with great proposal.

Where Indians are today: You will find lot of corruption in case you are dealing financially so accept some under the table money exchanging hands to get the work done. It is what it is, eh!

Try doing as much digital transactions as possible since even a roadside vendor has a QR code for payment. This way you dont have to carry much cash if in India.

Tip: Believe what is done, not what is promised.

9. Indian Elephant: Slow to start, its picking up pace which will outlast any other economy.

Current Indian government is an outcome of deep frustration people had with previous governments. The bruises of being occupied, elite lobbies which would like nothing more than to see the hardworking Indian to struggle till eternity, financial stress are losing the battle.

As you start hearing lot of news locally about your native government interacting more with the Indians, you can feel safe on two fronts:

A: An Indian will help your country grow.

B: An Indian will make their family a part of your society.

10. Big negative I wish was not there among Indians

Create a global brand: I am still unsure about why do Indians tend to restrict themselves to selling their ventures or sustain themselves enough to create a global brand.

Will write more about it in next article. Thanks for reading.




AgTech Entrepreneur, Founder, Australian Desi Company